Nurse Clinic
- Nurse
Phone: 832-736-6000
Welcome to the Clinic page for Silvercrest Elementary!
Success in school is directly related to good health and mental well-being. I am here to assist in helping you meet your child's health needs in any way I can. My goal is to begin educating and instilling good health practices for children to carry through their life.
Please make sure your child's immunization record is up to date, health conditions, management plans, and medication forms have been completed and submitted. All forms, current district policies, and general health information can be found on the PISD website under the Parents tab (upper right), then nurse clinic (left side).
Please contact me before sending any medication (over the counter or prescription) to the school with our child.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns regarding your child's health.
When to keep your child home...